Zavvy Power Skills

Elevate your team with Power Skills

Train your people in the high-impact skills they need to improve in their careers and perform at their best. All training programs are customized to your organization, expert-led, and enriched with digital content.

Skills are the currency of work.

The half-life of skills is 5 years.
And continuous training is the only way to stay on top.

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Zavvy Power Skills:
A combination of the most relevant soft and hard skills

Future-proof Power Skills are the skills that make a difference - both for individuals and your organization.
They combine functional skills like programming or content creation and non-functional ones like communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Together, they lead to sustainable growth and success.

The 10 Zavvy Power skills consist of 30+ expert-led learning modules.

See it in action

Professional development enabled
by best-in-class software

Learning in the
flow of work

All programs are enhanced by expert-created, bite-sized learning material that's delivered in the flow of work. Use emails or integrations to Slack and  MS Teams so that learning happens where your team is most.

Training course library preview
Curated library for
learning materials

Offer your team all things learning in one place. No matter if internal training or external courses, easily add everything to your Zavvy library and allow your team to discover learning opportunities themselves.

Career frameworks & performance reviews

Make learning relevant and impactful by connecting it to competency requirements and performance reviews. Create a cycle of continuous improvement that works because it measurably impacts career progression.

Time to start a new way of learning.

We make a difference by training your team in the right skills, at the right time, and in the right way.

Every company is different.
What's the best strategy for yours?
Let's find out together.

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🎉 Zavvy is now Deel Engage!
Your all-in-one place for talent development.
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