Help your people managers lead their teams in times of uncertainty with regular advice and interactive group challenges.
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Became a change leader workflow

About "Become a Change Leader"

Guide your managers to be effective change leaders by regularly reminding them of leadership practices and suggestions. This will prepare them to effectively lead through any organizational change. Participants of this program will receive nudges, and group activities every few days that will empower them and their teams to make a smooth transition. 

📝 What is a change leadership training program?

The change leadership training program will build your ability to influence and inspire action in the employees and respond with a structured and people-centric plan during growth, disruption, or uncertainty. 


This program will help your managers:

  • Learn about leadership practices in times of change.
  • Understand how to communicate and manage in times of change.
  • Create a reliable work environment within their team(s).
  • Effectively reduce their employees' stress associated with the change.

💡 Who is this valuable training for?

If you are a leader, manager, or even an executive, this training is for you - as long as you want to navigate through change effectively.

This training program will enable you to implement macro-level changes in your organization without inconveniencing any stakeholders.

💪 What's included in this training course?

You will be able to learn from real-life examples and implement them throughout the length of this training course.

The lessons offer a structured way of managing adverse situations and giving your employees a sense of direction in tough times.

Basics (customizable in settings)

  • Assign to individuals or in groups. 
  • 2 nudges every week for 3 months.
  • Areas of interest: communicating change, leadership styles, empathy, trust, stages of team development, providing certainty, and more.

Here's a list of the top 3 offerings:

👩‍💼 Transformational leadership style: This module will teach you to become a reliable leader and get the work done by acting as a role model, instilling pride, and winning every employee's trust.

🔒 Prepare for a change as a manager: This module will teach you to embrace the change first, give your team a sense of direction, and implement the change. 

Your employees, more often than not, tend to mirror your feelings.

This program will improve your adaptability to change.

📣 Not only WHAT but also WHY: Your employees would always like you to explain the reason behind the change. You must be transparent with your employees and align them with their long-term goals. This module will teach you to be transparent and clear with your communication.

🏆 What are the top features of this training journey?

Zavvy has this ready-to-use training journey curated for all your learners.

Following are the top features that your employees can benefit from:

Individual and group exercises

Participants receive reflection exercises after each lesson. 

Plus, they also receive some group assignments. Participants are paired automatically, and a new Slack channel is generated for them to complete the task. 

They receive a scenario and a set of questions. Then, they have to exchange answers and discuss each other's ideas. 


There's also a direct integration with Slack or MS Teams. The integrations 


Your employees will receive timely notifications about their progress in the change leadership training program.

Admin functionalities

As an admin, you can monitor all your employees' activities. 

Your employees will have a different view, and you will have a different perspective which will monitor the progress of all the employees.

🕛 How long does completing the "Become a change leader" training take?

It won't take more than 90 days to complete the training, with a minimum gap of 0 days between two lessons and a maximum interval of 7 days between two lessons.

⚙️ Automate your training programs with Zavvy and ensure optimum change management!

Zavvy helps you run effective and efficient training processes. 

As a result, you will save time spent on manual work and create better employee experiences.

If your organization is in the midst of implementing disruptive changes, have a look at our training course. You can try it out for free.

Change management leadership course