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Monthly One-On-One Meeting Template

  • 🌟 Free employee monthly one on one form Microsoft Word template
  • ❓ Action items, key discussion points, and must-ask questions
  • 🏆 Helpful tips and tricks for managers enabling them to have more meaningful conversations

Are your monthly one on ones empowering your employees? Are you not there yet? 

We know how time-consuming it is to create customized one-on-one meeting agendas for each employee. 

That's why we've done the hard work for you: we have created a monthly one on one template. 

We are confident this is the ultimate tool for busy HR professionals and managers who want to be agents of employee growth and satisfaction.

From discussing monthly progress on goals and projects to identifying specific areas of excellence and potential growth and development, our template covers all bases.

  • Engage your employees while also addressing their challenges and roadblocks.
  • We even included a conversation starter around important company updates to help your team feel more aligned with the broader organization.
  • And we haven't forgotten about employee wellness and work-life balance. Our template includes specific questions around these critical areas to ensure employees feel supported and cared for.
  • But it's not just about the employee - our template also includes calibration of expectations so that you can adjust the format and frequency of the meetings based on the employee's feedback. 
  • And our developmental questions will help you identify potential career opportunities and chart a path for employee success and growth within your organization.

So why waste time creating customized agendas when you can download our monthly one on one meeting template for managers today and start empowering your team?

➡️ For 15+ additional one on one templates, check out our handy resource: One-On-One Meeting Templates for Powerful Employee Conversations.

PS: If you want an automatic workflow for your check-in meetings, check out our one-on-one meeting software.