Λήψη: Excel Spreadsheet

70 20 10 Development Plan Template

  • 🆓 Free 70 20 10 development plan template for Google Spreadsheets or Excel
  • 👀 Includes smart progress-tracker for a better overview
  • Δημιουργήστε ένα αντίγραφο και χρησιμοποιήστε το όπως επιθυμείτε

Δημιουργήστε σχέδια ανάπτυξης που πραγματικά κάνουν τη διαφορά

Η μέθοδος 70-20-10 συμβάλλει στην εξισορρόπηση των διαφορετικών προσεγγίσεων στη μάθηση και στη δημιουργία σχεδίων ανάπτυξης που λειτουργούν καλύτερα από την απλή συγκέντρωση ενός καταλόγου μαθημάτων.

Discover a streamlined approach to employee development with our versatile 70 20 10 development plan template.

Tailored by Zavvy experts, this comprehensive tool is crafted to facilitate your team's growth and track their journey toward professional excellence.

Feature highlights:

  • Structured development Plans: Easily outline actionable steps across on-the-job tasks, social learning, and formal education, adhering to the proven 70-20-10 learning model.
  • Clear timeline management: Set developmental goals with specified timelines, ensuring consistent progress and timely completion.
  • Integrated action-progress tracker: Monitor your team's achievements and milestones with an intuitive progress tracker that auto-updates as they complete tasks.
  • Diverse learning formats: Encourage holistic development through a blend of formats, from practical experience to peer learning and formal courses.
  • Customizable for all roles: Whether your people need to develop their core competencies like collaboration, functional competencies like copywriting, or technical competencies like data analysis, this template is adaptable to a variety of roles and departments.

Harness the power of focused development plans and witness the transformation in your team's performance and skills.

Download our 70 20 10 development plan template now, and propel your team's learning journey forward with precision and clarity.

❓ Συχνές ερωτήσεις

What is the 70 20 10 development ratio?

The 70 20 10 development ratio is a learning and development model that suggests an effective approach to professional growth and skill acquisition:

  • 70% from experiential learning: Learning and developing through day-to-day tasks, challenges, and practice within the workplace. This component emphasizes that the majority of learning comes from on-the-job experiences, including handling projects, problem-solving, and other tasks that require applying knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  • 20% from social learning: Learning through interaction with others. This includes receiving feedback, mentoring, coaching, and observing and collaborating with peers and leaders. It highlights the importance of social interactions and learning from others' experiences as a key component of professional development.
  • 10% from formal education: Learning through structured courses, workshops, training, and seminars. This formal instruction provides foundational knowledge and theory, but it constitutes the smallest part of the learning model.

What is the 70 20 10 rule for career development?

For career development, the 70 20 10 rule emphasizes the importance of diverse learning experiences to advance one's career. It suggests that:

This model supports the idea that while formal education can lay the groundwork for professional knowledge, the most impactful learning comes from practical experiences and learning from others within the workplace.