1:1 Template

Career Discussion with Manager Template

  • 🔍 A clear and structured career discussion with manager meeting agenda
  • 🗣️ Key talking points for career conversations
  • 🏆 Best practices and tips to enable leaders to hold career development meetings that add value

You've already seen the stats. Employees demand career growth. So, you must ensure that your company delivers. 

But are your managers up to the challenge?

Introducing our career discussion with manager template. 

We designed this template to help your employees take an active role in their career development, leading to long-term success for both the employee and your organization.

By focusing on career planning in one-on-one meetings, your employees can align their personal goals with the organization's objectives. 

This comprehensive career discussion with manager template covers all critical aspects of career development: 

🌟 Bonus: We've also included best practices and tips to ensure your people and their leaders get the most out of development conversations.

Whether you're conducting quarterly or semi-annual one-on-ones with your employees, our career discussion template can help you generate meaningful conversations about your team's career aspirations and provide guidance on achieving their goals. 

Start answering your employees' development needs and drive employee success and organizational growth. 

Download our career discussion with manager template today!

➡️ For 15+ additional one on one templates, check out our handy resource: One-On-One Meeting Templates for Powerful Employee Conversations.

PS: If you want an automatic workflow for your check-in meetings, check out our one-on-one meeting software.